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Sewage Treatment Plant

BioSafe’s advance wastewater treatment biotechnology system

Pencemaran air limbah domestik saat ini masih menjadi masalah serius, dalam proses pengolahan limbah organik sangat diperlukan unit dan peralatan pengolah air limbah yang tepat.

Untuk melestarikan lingkungan bersih dan sehat khususnya pencemaran air, maka BioSafe adalah PILIHAN TEPAT menggunakan system Biotechnology dengan hasil proses buangan air limbah menjadi AMAN dan RAMAH LINGKUNGAN juga memenuhi STANDAR BAKU MUTU LIMBAH DOMESTIK. 


STP BIOSAFE BSF SERIESBiosafe type “BSF-Series” ramah lingkungan dan membantu mengatasi pencemaran air limbah, dimana selama proses olahan memberikan lingkungan yang ideal untuk pertumbuhan bakteri yang cepat dengan memastikan banyak oksigen dan nutrisi yang didistribusikan ke bakteri pelapis pada permukaan media cell. Media cell menyediahkan rasio volume tinggi untuk pemeliharaan pertumbuhan mikroba yang luar biasa walaupun inflow debit air limbah fluktuatif bakteri pengurai “tetap” atau melekat pada media cell, dan populasi mikroba secara konsisten dipertahankan di zona daerah untuk memetabolisme limbah cair domestik.

Water Treatment Plant

Water Treatment Plant ( WTP ) is a water treatment process for water demand in various industries, such as textile industry, food and beverage industry, pulp & paper industry, the healthcare industry such as hospitals and others until commercial building sector as office building and mall.

Sources of clean water or raw water to be treated is taken from various sources such as rivers, lakes and deep well. Sometimes there are using sea water. Water treatment is intended to get the water quality standards in accordance with the needs of each industry.

Water treatment process has several stages that must be passed, the stage starts taking on water or raw water source (water intake), per-sedimentation basin, coagulation, flocculation, sediment basin, filtration, neutralization, clear water tank, and the last to distribution tank.

Stages are dependent on the quality of water to be treated and the quality of the results to be achieved however, these stages are the principles and practices of water treatment systems (WTP).

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